Search Results - david+gillespie

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Fenestrated Venous Endograft
A novel stent for the treatment of chronic venous stenoses or recannulated occlusions of large veins.Applications:This technology offers a novel approach to tackling problems inherent in current commercially available stents that are used to treat stenoses or recannulated occlusions of the venous system. The fenestrated venous endo-graft illustrated...
Published: 5/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): David Gillespie
Category(s): Surgical/Medical Device, Therapeutic
Preoperative Planning Document To Facilitate Correlation of IVUS and CT Scan Measurements For Placement Of IVUS-Guided IVC Filters
Preoperative planning document for the single puncture intravasular ultrasound (IVUS) guided bedside placement of IVC filters. Application Pulmonary Embolism (PE) has been reported in over 350,000 patients per year, with an estimated annual mortality rate of 240,000. Vena cava filtration is being used as an effective means of prophylaxis against PE...
Published: 5/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): David Gillespie, Sean Hislop
Category(s): Copyright, Informatics, Research Tools