An Imaging Spectrometer Apparatus with Freeform Optics

A full-field display for spectrally dispersive imaging optics, particularly as a design tool for evaluating optical designs including designs with freeform optical surfaces, includes a ray tracing module arranged for modeling local aberrations throughout the image field of the spectrometer and a display module that converts values of the modeled local aberrations throughout the image field into representative symbols. The spectrometer field has a first spatial dimension corresponding to a length dimension of an input and a second spectral dimension corresponding to the dispersion of the input. The representative symbols are plotted in an array having a first axis corresponding to the first spatial dimension of the image field and a second axis corresponding to the second spectral dimension of the image field.

URV Reference Number: 2-14074
Patent Information:
Title Country Patent No. Issued Date
Imaging Spectrometer Design Tool for Evaluating Freeform Optics United States 9,964,444 5/8/2018
For Information, Contact:
Curtis Broadbent
Licensing Manager
University of Rochester
Jannick Rolland-Thompson
Jacob Reimers