Search Results - ultrasound

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Photoacoustic Imaging Using a Versatile Acoustic Lens
Applications:Photoacoustic imaging (also called optoacoustic or thermoacoustic imaging) has the potential to image animal or human organs with simultaneous high contrast and high spatial resolution. The photoacoustic signal is small and needs a mechanism to focus it on an image plane without degradation. This technology improves the signal to noise...
Published: 5/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): Vikram Dogra, Navalgund Rao, Wayne Knox
Keywords(s): Cancer, Diagnostic, Instrument, Instrumentation, Medical Device, Oncology, Prostate, Ultrasound, Ultrasound Imaging
Category(s): Imaging
Acoustically Induced Blood Stasis and in vivo Optical Spectroscopy Thereof
ApplicationsThe present invention combines the effects of ultrasound-induced blood stasis and optical spectroscopy to create a new, non-invasive tissue imaging and diagnostic tool. It has applications in non-invasive tissue diagnosis, localized drug delivery, non-invasive manipulation of vascular blood flow and oxygenation for generally enhanced therapeutic...
Published: 5/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): Yan Yu, Brian Winey, Lydia Liao
Keywords(s): Blood, Spectroscopy, Ultrasound
Category(s): Diagnostic