Search Results - scott+macrae

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Thin Large-Diameter Optics Foldable Intraocular Lens
A foldable intraocular lens designed to reduce dysphotopsia, enable small incision insertion, and provide high dioptric power Institute Reference: 6-20034 Background Intraocular lenses (IOLs) are commonly used in cataract surgery to replace the natural lens of the eye. While modern cataract surgery relies on small incisions to minimize complications...
Published: 10/22/2024   |   Inventor(s): Scott Macrae, David Huang
Category(s): Optics, Surgical/Medical Device
Estimation of Intraocular Lens Position and Tilt from Full Crystalline Lens Geometry
New 3D lens geometry-based formula improves intraocular lens positioning, reducing refractive errors in cataract surgery Institute Reference: 6-24053 Background In cataract surgery, selecting the correct intraocular lens (IOL) power is essential for achieving optimal visual outcomes. However, this process is often challenging due to the difficulty...
Published: 10/21/2024   |   Inventor(s): Susana Marcos, Eduardo Martinez-Enriquez, Yue Zhao, Scott Macrae, Derick Ansah, Haci Ugur Celik, Müjdat Cetin
Category(s): Optics, Surgical/Medical Device
Strong Vision Equation for Enhanced Zyoptix Outcome
The present invention is an algorithm that provides better predictability of postoperative refractive error following customized LASIK treatment for myopia.Applications: The Strong Vision Method provides a superior treatment outcome following customized LASIK surgery by further compensating the effect of higher order aberrations on postoperative eyes....
Published: 5/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): Manoj Venkiteshwar, Scott Macrae
Keywords(s): Algorithm, Diagnostic, Ophthalmology, Software, Vision
Category(s): Therapeutic, Optics