Search Results - lisa+beck

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Novel, Synthetic Peptides that Inhibit the Formation of Tight Junctions
Background Current methods of vaccination primarily rely on intramuscular, subcutaneous, and intradermal injection of antigens. These vaccination routes, while effective, require medical personnel to deliver, generate biohazards (sharps) requiring costly disposal, and cause patients pain and anxiety. This has fueled research efforts to identify “needle-free”...
Published: 12/18/2024   |   Inventor(s): Benjamin Miller, Lisa Beck, Matthew Brewer
Category(s): Therapeutic
Methods of Studying Human and Non-Human Epidermal
Brief Description: The technology developed herein describes methods to study barrier properties and function of fully stratified, intact epidermal samples from both healthy and diseased subjects. Epidermal samples are isolated by using a Weck blade and are relatively free of dermis. Without the technique described herein, such measurements were...
Published: 5/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): Lisa Beck, Anna De Benedetto
Category(s): Research Tools