Search Results - hiv

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RNA-Targeted Small Molecules as Potential Antiviral Therapy (HIV, SARS etc)
Brief Description: A high error rate of HIV -I reverse transcriptase coupled with a fast replication cycle associated with HIV -1 favors rapid development and selection of drug resistant strains. Therefore, identification of small molecules capable of inhibiting viral components necessary for HIV -1 proliferation continues to be of great importance....
Published: 5/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): Benjamin Miller, Brian Mcnaughton, Peter Gareiss, Joseph Wedekind
Keywords(s): AIDS, HIV, Small Molecule, Therapy
Category(s): Therapeutic
3' Deoxy Nucleosides and Their Analogs as Anti-HIV Agents Targeting HIV-1 Macrophage Infection
3' Deoxy Nucleosides and Their Analogs as Anti-HIV Agents Targeting HIV-1 Macrophage Infection
Published: 5/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): Baek Kim
Keywords(s): Antiviral, Drug Design, HIV, Infectious Disease
Category(s): Therapeutic