Search Results - drug+design

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3' Deoxy Nucleosides and Their Analogs as Anti-HIV Agents Targeting HIV-1 Macrophage Infection
3' Deoxy Nucleosides and Their Analogs as Anti-HIV Agents Targeting HIV-1 Macrophage Infection
Published: 5/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): Baek Kim
Keywords(s): Antiviral, Drug Design, HIV, Infectious Disease
Category(s): Therapeutic
MADDIT II Blood Samples
Applications:This set of biological materials arose from a genetics research study at the University of Rochester in the area of sudden cardiac death. The University also possesses genotypic and phenotypic data related to each sample (subject) that participated in this study. The data collected during the course of the study is owned by a third pa...
Published: 5/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): Arthur Moss
Keywords(s): Blood, Cardiac, Database, Drug Design
Category(s): Diagnostic