Search Results - david+herrmann

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The Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Health Index (CMT-HI)
The CMT-Health Index (CMT-HI) is a disease-specific, patient-reported, outcome measure designed to reliably and responsively measure therapeutic benefit in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) clinical trials. The CMT-HI may also be used to measure overall patient health in a clinical setting. It covers the 18 areas of greatest importance to the adult...
Published: 5/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): Chad Heatwole, David Herrmann, Nicholas Johnson
Category(s): Copyright, Informatics, Research Tools
This invention is software that enhances the usability of Lucid Inc. for the purpose of using their Vivascope devices for assessment of Meissner Corpuscle density as a measure of sensory neuropathies. Applications: This software has significantly enabled quantization of Meissner Corpuscles by markedly decreasing the time required for assembly of...
Published: 5/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): David Herrmann, James Forrester, Michele Ferguson
Keywords(s): Software
Category(s): Copyright, Computer Software
Non-Invasive in-vivo Imaging of Mechanoreceptors in Human Skin Using Confocal Microscopy
Applications:This invention relates to a technique for non-invasive in vivo imaging of the sensory nerve endings in the skin or Meissner's corpuscles using confocal microscopy.Advantages:Assessment of sensory nerve endings in the skin (Meissner's corpuscles) by means of invasive punch skin biopsy from the palmar surface of the hand or fingers or the...
Published: 5/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): David Herrmann, Jay Eastman, Christi Alessi-Fox, Neil Boger
Keywords(s): Dermatology, Diagnostic, Imaging, Software
Category(s): Diagnostic