Search Results - kamran+ahmad

2 Results Sort By:
Software for Adaptive Optics: TsunamiSLO
Brief Description: The software provides user-friendly control of devices needed for adaptive optics: wavefront sensor (Shack-Hartmann or other) with a digital camera, wavefront corrector (such as Boston Micromachines deformable mirror, or ImagineEyes deformable mirror), laser controller (such as Thorlabs ITC-502 or other) and power meters...
Published: 5/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): Kamran Ahmad
Category(s): Diagnostic, Optics
Software for Computing Zernike Characterization of an Optical Wave Front: TsunamiWave
Brief Description: The software is used for the full characterization of an optical beam, by the computation of Zernike polynomials from wavefront sensor data. Applications: For use in adaptive optics systems, such as scanning laser ophthalmoscopes, optical coherence tomography and astronomy. Advantages: The software provides a...
Published: 5/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): Alfredo Dubra, Kamran Ahmad
Category(s): Optics