Search Results - james+mcgrath

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Real-time Low-background Digital Liquid Biopsy for Cancer Diagnosis
Background Liquid biopsies are a small volume (~mL) sample collected from blood and urine for cancer diagnostics. Compared to traditional tissue biopsy, liquid biopsies have the advantage of being rapid, precise, and less invasive. Small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) are small vesicles (< 120 nm) secreted by cells into all biofluids. sEVs are diagnostically...
Published: 5/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): James McGrath, Kilean Lucas, Michael Klaczko, William Houlihan, Jonathan Flax, Samuel Walker
Category(s): Diagnostic
Rapid Screening and Detection of Microplastic Particles
Background Myriad kinds of plastics have found their way into our environment, including many that either do not degrade or do so on the time scale of a thousand years. As plastics in the environment are subject to weather conditions, they break down into smaller particles, eventually reaching micron and even nanoparticle sizes. The presence of these...
Published: 5/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): James McGrath, Greg Madejski, Wayne Knox, Ian Krout
Category(s): Devices